Android - Optimize and Publish Apps
Before developers publish apps, the following things should be done to prevent the Google Play Console from annoying us. 1. Change the package name com.example.<Name of project> to com.<Name of organization>.<Name of project> in the build.gradle file. 2. Check and adjust versionCode and versionName in the build.gradle file properly. 3. Reduce your app size by using android { // Other settings buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } } in the build.gradle file. 4. Convert images to WebP by right clicking on an image file or an image folder, and then click convert to WebP. 5. Prepare and upload one 512 x 512 32-bits PNG icon file and one 1024 x 500 24-bits PNG feature graphic file. References: