
Showing posts from February, 2020

TwinCAT - Troubleshoot Issues of TwinCAT 3

1. VirtualBox error and real-time configuration As soon as a component of the computer uses Hyper-V, only the engineering environment (XAE) can be used on this computer, not the runtime environment (XAR). The VT-x-CPU function is mandatory with 64-bit operating systems (must be enabled in BIOS and be available). To release CPUs to TwinCAT real-time operation, users should run: msconfig Leave one or more CPUs for the operation. Reboot is needed. Note that hard real-time operation is supported only on Intel Ethernet controllers. 2. 'TwinCAT System' (10000): Sending ams command >> Init4\RTime: Start Interrupt: Ticker started >>AdsWarning: 4115 (0x1013, RTIME: system clock setup fails. Run: C:/TwinCAT/3.1/System/win8settick.bat Reboot is needed. 3. AdsWarning 1823 LAN adapters need to install "TwinCAT RT-Ethernet Filter Driver" from Windows control panel or TwinCAT settings. 4. ESI files, also called XML description, need to be ...

Cygwin - Troubleshoot Issues of Installing Kaldi on Cygwin

1. Files are too big. Enter the following command before configure in kaldi/src: export CXXFLAGS=”-O3” 2. OpenFst error After install tools, install openfst 1.6.7 in kaldi/tools again. Append option "--fst-root=" and location of openfst in /usr to ./configure. 3. Replace Intel MKL with OpenBLAS. By appending "--mathlib=OPENBLAS" to ./configure, use OpenBLAS instead of Intel MKL.

Blogger - Take Visual Studio Code as the HTML Editor

1. Open Visual Studio Code, go to "File"→"Preference"→"Settings"→"Text Editor"→"Formatting" and check "Format on paste" to avoid auto-indent of pasting. 2. Go to "File"→"Preference"→"User Snippets", search and open html.json file. Create your own snippets. Take mine for example, { // Place your snippets for html here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected. // Example: // "Print to console": { // "prefix": "log", // "body": [ // "console.log('$1');", // "$2...

Windows - Create Shortcut File with Options

Take software SeaMonkey for example, if users want to open its composer directly, just right click on its shortcut and click “Properties” and append command line options to target. It will look like this: "C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -editor

Linux - BeagleBone Black

These methods are tested on bone-debian-9.9-iot-armhf-2019-08-03-4gb.img with kernel 4.14.108-ti-r113. 1. Development tools: Image writer: Win32 Disk Imager SSH client: Putty File manager: WinSCP 2. Wifi (BeagleBone Black Wireless): Connect wifi. connmanctl enable wifi scan wifi services agent on connect <ID of network which is next to name of wifi> <Password of wifi> quit Remove auto-connect. connmanctl config <ID> auto-connect off quit Check whether it connects. timeout 1 ping 3. USB network (BeagleBone Black): Open Windows control panel and go to network adapter setting. Share network of computer with the board. Make network adapter of the board get IP address AUTOMATICALLY. Create file named resolv.conf with the following content. domain localdomain search localdomain nameserver nameserver Create shell script with the following content and execute the script. echo temppwd | sudo -S...